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Sprayberry Echo Project

My name is Skip Are, SHS Class of 1973, and creator of this website. The Sprayberry High School Echo Project has it's beginnings in the summer of 2011, at the official Sprayberry High School football website, and on Facebook. At the time, the official website for SHS football contained no historical information about teams that had played their games at the old location of Sprayberry High School on U.S. 41, now Cobb Parkway, North, in Marietta. I thought that Facebook offered the perfect solution to correct this oversight, and I began my inquiries to obtain scans of all the available pictures of teams from the different years of that era. The first contact was to Joe Jenkins, Sr., who generously scanned pictures from the 1959 Echo, and offered more as I needed them. About this time I read on Facebook that a former classmate from the Class of 1974, Blair Barber, had passed away. Someone in the conversation stated that they didn't remember his face, so I got the idea of scanning his picture from my 1973 Echo and posting it. This posting was well received and it gave me the idea of posting pictures to Facebook of all SHS students that had died.

About this same time, Lorna Roper, SHS Class of 1967, agreed to lend me copies of the Echo from several years in the early 1960's. When I received them, I noticed that there was a wealth of interesting photography in the various years of the Echo. I posted several pictures on Facebook, and after a number of inquiries to me about different subjects and people in these editions, the idea of making all of the pages available to everyone came about. Others stepped forward and were generous enough, and trusting enough, to lend me their annuals to scan.

I originally added several scanned pages to Facebook, but their small size was unsatisfactory, and I quickly removed them. The only solution I could see was creating a separate website just for the Echo, and the result is what you are looking at now. It has been a tremendous amount of work, more than I dreamed it would ever be, but I think it is worth it, and I hope you agree. Thanks for coming by to look. Come back often.

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